Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Kamas Lake 8/20/2016

Kamas Lake is about a 2 mile hike from the Pass lake trialhead, which is just north of baldy pass and mirror lake, but south of highline trailhead.  The trail is well traveled, and clearly marked.  It's flat if not slightly downhill for the first mile, then gets a little steep the last mile on the approach to the lake. The Cuberants lake trail splits off at about the 1-1.5 mile mark, and is a great hike, probably would have done that one if we had more time

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Backpacking Island Lake 7/16/2016

In 2011, there was so much snow in the uintas that we couldn't get in until mid July, so by coincidence, this trip was 5 years to the day of the last time I spent the night here

There was still considerable snow on the ground that tip, and we lost the trail a couple times becasue of it
This was 2011, you can still see snow on the far bank:

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

No boil-hops IPA

Brewed 6/11/2016

This is a take on the classic Bells 2 Hearted clone recipe, but the brew shop was out of crystal 40 so I grabbed something different:

11# 2 row
.75# patagonia crystal 55

No hops were added during the boil, only before and after:

FWH - 21g Apollo(18.5% AA)
Flame out- 28g apollo, 28g Mosaic(12% AA)
15min post flame out- 28g apollo, 28g Mosaic

US-05 yeast

OG 1.060

Backpacking Mohawk Lake 6/25/2016

I had gone to this lake about 5 years ago with my bother and have been wanting to return. It was a huge lake, and we had it all to ourselves.

Here's a pic from that trip:

Backpacking East Shingle Creek Lake 6/4/2016

The plan was to hit South Erickson lake, we closed out the season with a trip there last year and thought it would be neat to return.

Well, we went too early. The road was closed about a mile from the trailhead.
I can't tell if this guy was stuck or was just smart enough to know when to call it quits. Probably the latter, he was gone by morning: